Generally we know about 8 (eight) types of blood group i.e. A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+ amd O-. Hardly few of know about the rarest type of blood of this world i.e. Golden blood.
When we hear the name we might wonder about its colour. How does it look ? Is it yellow in colour ? Why it is said rarest blood of world ?
You will wonder to know that people having this type of blood are in danger. Why ??
Basic to understand Golden Blood
Basically there are 4 (four) main important components of blood. They are
(1) RBC
(2) WBC
(3) Plasma
(4) Platelets
RBC (Red Blood Corpuscles) is biconcave and non nucleated (in mammals) cells of blood. It is most abundant cells of blood. It is red in colour due to the presence of red pigment i.e. Haemoglobin.
RBC (red blood Corpuscles) |
It's main function is to carry the oxygen (O2) from lungs to tissue of different parts and carbon dioxide (CO2) from different parts of tissue to lungs.
WBC (White Blood Corpuscles) is phagocytic cells of blood. It is white in colour. It is Very less in number as compared to number of RBC and acts as army in the body as it prevents the entry of harmful bacteria, germs, viruses from outer environment amd prevent us from different types of diseases.
WBC (white blood Corpuscles) |
Plasma is liquid part of blood which is pale yellowish in colour and is mostly made up of water. It helps in the free movement of RBC and WBC in blood vessels and prevent them from repture by reducing friction.
Platelets is the clotting factors of blood which help to stop the flow of blood at minor injuries during any accident or cut.
It clot the blood by making a net like structure at the cut part of our body.
Types of Blood
There are altogether 36 (thirty-six) blood group system discovered by scientists till now according to which we divide blood into different groups.
The blood is differentiated in many groups on the basis of protein present on the wall of RBC which we call Antigen.
Among 36 blood group system, clinically ABO blood group system and Rh blood group system is taken into practice because the antigen if these 2 blood group system is more reactive and responsive.
ABO Blood Group System
According to this blood group system, blood is classified into 4 groups i.e. A group, B group, AB group and O group as per the presence and absence of a-antigen and b-antigen in the surface of RBC.
Rh Blood Group System
The name Rh came from Rhesus monkey. There are altogether 61 antigen of this blood group system. Among those 61 antigen, D-antigen is taken in account.
According to presence and absence of D-antigen the blood is differentiated into two group i.e.
(1) Negative (-ve) blood group
(2) Positive (+ve) blood group
As a result, by combining the approach of both blood group system we came to know about altogether 8(eight) blood group types
I.e. A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+, O-
Golden Blood
As we have mentioned there are 61 antigen of Rh blood group system. If the person lacks all those 61 antigens of Rh blood group system on their RBC then that person is said to have golden Blood.
As it lacks all the antigen of Rh blood group system, it is also named as Rh-null blood group. This condition takes place due to mutations in that particular gene which is responsible for variations.
It was 1st reported in 1961 A.D. in native Australian women.
It is said rarest blood because throughout the world it is only reported in 43 people till date.
And there are only 9 people active donar of this blood group.
Since it not commonly found, so it is named as golden blood. Its colour is also red as the person do have haemoglobin in their RBC. It is not golden in colour because colour is to be determined by colour pigment, it doesn't depend upon presence and absence of any antigen.
In the case of any sever accident of person having golden blood, they wouldn't get blood donar on time which may lead to death also. So their life is in high risk. It is also found that the person having Golden Blood commonly suffer from haemmerogia.